Spark curiosity with game-based learning

Turn screen time into quality time with K12’s game-based, modern learning tools and content, designed to spark curiosity in digital natives.
Cartoon boy on the skateboard
A student playing Bubble Pirates on a tablet

Your lessons, on their terms

Studies show that students learn better when education is positioned as a game, not a task. Our adaptive Skills Arcade motivates kids in grades pre-K through 8 to hit district benchmarks through fun, rewards-based learning.

Students and teachers win with game-based learning

With K12 Skills Arcade, students can learn how and when they want, teachers get real-time insights to personalize instruction, and administrators rest easier knowing learners are meeting critical state and national standards.

Meet great expectations
Icon arrow pointing to top right
Take the pressure out of learning. With Skills Arcade, students enjoy gaining the knowledge and skills they need to step into entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and workforce training programs. 
Teacher-friendly dashboard, learner-friendly results

K12’s dynamic, user-friendly dashboard displays individual student progress so teachers can course correct and guide learners forward. These real-time metrics help schools track critical IEP and RTI goals.

Laptop with charts and sign showing 10.25% students trending above
More confident for test time

Modern learning through play builds confidence to meet national and state standards. Skills Arcade Includes benchmark and formative assessments to ensure students are at grade level for end-of-course and end-of-year tests.

Girl with glasses holding mobile with headphones with mobile phone in the background
See the future as it unfolds

Stop wondering if students are up to speed or falling behind. K12 integrates with the adaptive Renaissance STAR Assessments®  to deliver universal screening, progress monitoring, and goal-setting data so schools can adjust growth measures for every learner.

Man holding tablet with yellow background and Progress sign
Early learning loss detection

See how individual students are doing before important test days. By checking real-time data on our user-friendly dashboard, schools can spot knowledge gaps early and often—and keep learners on track to better outcomes.

Laptop with charts and sign showing 10.25% students trending above
A deep library with broad appeal

With a database of over 45,000 questions, our lessons appeal to a wide variety of student interests and learning needs. Fresh and varied content keeps kids from getting bored while they work toward big goals.

Several images of kids books
Big picture view of class progress

Get the full picture on class performance with real-time data on a user-friendly dashboard that shows how each group is progressing on any given day. Schools can use these insights to adjust curriculum and instruction to drive collective growth.

Cartoon stylized hands holding mobile
Prep for stress-free test days
White arrow
Make sure students are ready for end-of-course and end-of-year exams with benchmark and formative assessments. Use these early insights to give learners targeted guidance.
Spark curiosity through gaming

Video lessons, short-form games, brain breaks, and rewards-based learning on a mobile-friendly platform motivate learners to tackle lessons like they chase their free time—with gusto.

Half of a laptop screen with a game on it
Let students chart their own course

One of the biggest barriers to education is time. If students can’t make it to class, they can quickly fall behind. With K12, learners can access personalized lessons 24/7—and gain confidence with every click.

A smiling young girl holding books with medals around her
Put the fun in fundamentals

Skills Arcade makes required subjects feel approachable for students who might otherwise struggle to master difficult math, language arts, reading, and science concepts. Playful and engaging games prepare them for high-stakes testing.

the pop-pop rush game displayed on the laptop with two balloons on each side
All work and no play is no good
Rocket symbol
Prevent burnout with brain breaks in the form of games that let learners rest their minds before resuming coursework.
En Español, too

Adaptive learning means learning for all, including students who are learning to speak English. Skills Arcade includes Spanish translation to make lessons more inclusive.

A smiling girl looking to the side where a text bubble says "Hola"
Personalized pop quizzes

Why wait until a big test to check on student progress? Skills Arcade includes a “Help me” feature, which recommends targeted skill review activities tailored to each learner’s needs.

Quiz image
The numbers show serious gains for K12 students
Increase in math benchmark pass rates
Jump in reading benchmark pass rates
Progress improvement in math for students in economically challenged regions
Special education reading benchmark pass rate increase
Explore new literary worlds with K12 Library

Boost your reading program and get kids excited about growing their literacy skills through our digital platform, featuring over 17000 ebooks, including fiction, nonfiction-fiction pairs, and titles in Spanish for students in grades K-12.

A whole new world of reading

Keep students motivated to read by handing them K12 Library. Our vast library of eBooks, with over 17,000 titles including works of fiction, nonfiction, nonfiction-fiction, Spanish-language books, and Hi-Lo for readers in grades K-12.

A square grid of books
Connect learners to their next favorite book

With K12, teachers can enhance balanced literacy programs with read-alouds, guided reading, shared reading, and reading workshop. They can also recommend books to individual learners to match their interest and skill level.

A smiling woman using a tablet
Stay in step with students

See where students are thriving and where they need help by checking dashboards for real-time data on individual learner performance. You can use these insights to create customized learning plans that give everyone a chance to succeed

Woman with headphones speaking on conference call
A tech-powered teacher’s aid

Get some time back and give students personalized guidance with our Reading Fluency tool. It uses advanced speech recognition technology to listen as students read and relay key points from each story, then scores learners on oral fluency, reading comprehension, and reading level.

A monitor with robinhood on it
Get lost in our library

There’s something for everyone in our vast library of ebooks, with over 17,000 titles including works of fiction, nonfiction, nonfiction-fiction, Spanish-language books, and Hi-Lo for readers in grades K-12.

three books
Build your own reading lists

With so many options, students might have a hard time choosing just one book to read at a time. No problem. Learners can easily save top picks in their personal bookshelves, labeling titles for independent reading, literature circles, book clubs, enrichment, research projects, and more.

an open cartoon book
Find all their favorite needles in the haystack

Our digital library is vast, but you won’t get easily overwhelmed trying to find the right book. Teachers and learners can use powerful search functions to find eBooks by subject, genre, grade level, Lexile® level, language, publisher, and more.

a search icon with books below
Flexible reading experience

Learners can read on the go, on any size smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Our responsive design adapts to their platform of choice to make reading through K12 Library simple and convenient.

A laptop and tablet with books on them
 Individual instruction, broad success
How do you address the varied skills of roughly 3,200 students, 36% of which are English-language learners? Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District used K12 Skills Arcade to supplement core curriculum, pushing learners of all abilities to perform at or above grade level.
Read their story
Step into the future of adaptive learning
Flexible learning is the future of education. See how we can help you inspire and motivate students to go further.