The teachers you need — and your students deserve

We are also thrilled to have the opportunity to shine a light on some of our Learning Solutions teachers! Listen to their stories, hear their passion for and commitment to their craft, learn about their resilience and dedication, and walk away with greater insight into the teachers behind the lifelong impact in all our lives.
Quality teachers are always critical – but not always easy to find. Districts need a simpler way to engage certified, high-quality teachers.
Teacher shortages aren’t new – neither are the ramifications of not having the right staff to bring students back. Whether you need to address short or long-term staffing for online or in-person teaching challenges, we’ve got you covered.

Virtual and In-Person Learning Opportunities
With K12 teachers paired with our content and platform, students can tap into an instructional model that ranges from fully synchronous, completely asynchronous, or anywhere in between. They can also learn in virtual or in-person settings using the K12 National Live Lesson program.

Remote Learning Opportunities
Our K12-powered teachers collaborate with your district staff to create lesson plans and assessments. They also follow your district bell schedule for daily remote instructions while pairing with your scope and sequence.

K12 Teachers come with many benefits. Learn how solving your staffing challenges can lead to uninterrupted learning for your students and one big headache off your plate.

Eliminate the downtime that comes with teacher shortages, so your students keep on learning and your district keeps them coming back.

Whether completely virtual or blended, our teachers know how to make online learning valuable and engaging throughout the year.

With K12 Learning Solutions, your students get the individualized learning they need to close achievement gaps.

Our teachers aren’t just highly qualified professionals––their passionate individuals. They love what they do and who they teach.

Request a Demo.