Downloadable Articles
Flyer: Student Re-engagement through Custom Online Schools
K12 Learning Solutions partners with districts to include virtual schools to restore confidence among families and re-enroll students.
Flyer: Remote Instructional Services
K12 Learning Solutions has state-certified, remote teachers for short or long-term placement needs for school districts nationwide.
White Paper: 5 Ways to Maximize the Value of Remaining ESSER Funding
To meet the needs of students who were most affected by the pandemic, leaders will need to invest this money wisely in proven learning strategies.
White Paper: 5 Ways Remote Learning Strategies Work for Districts
By implementing a full-time virtual school model, school districts can provide a balanced approach where students stay connected with their community while learning at home.
Flyer: K12 Tutoring for School Districts
Overcome learning loss and improve student outcomes through high-dosage, virtual tutoring by state-certified, remote teachers.
Beyond the Pandemic: Online and Blended Learning Recovery Solutions for K-12 Students
Remote instructional services and high-dosage tutoring are innovative and proven solutions that school districts nationwide can implement to improve student outcomes.
Flyer: Custom Online Schools
Broaden your school district to engage, win back, and retain students with a custom online school.
Flyer: Instructional Services
K12 Learning Solutions teachers use an individualized approach to instruction that builds relationships and motivates students to strive for excellence.
Flyer: Kindergarten Prep
Jump start your youngest learners’ futures with Kindergarten Prep, an online pre-K program for children ages 3-to-5.
Flyer: K12 Learning Solutions
K12 Learning Solutions creates customized online and blended learning programs for districts of all sizes and to fit all needs.
Infographic: Teacher Shortages – Viable Solutions to Meet Immediate District Needs
As K-12 school district leaders face historic staffing shortages and learning loss, learn how certified-remote teachers can fill all needs.
Infographic: Bridge the Teacher Shortage Gap through Remote Instruction
Learn how state-certified remote teachers are helping to fill teacher shortages nationwide.