Make up for lost credits — and time

With our online or blended Credit Recovery solution, you can give every student a chance to back on the path to graduation. Right where they should be.
Girl with backpack holding tablet, surrounded by the arrow, graduation hat and compass
Finding a second chance with Credit Recovery courses

Students who are falling behind deserve a second chance to master concepts and get ahead. Give it to them with high school credit recovery courses and learning assistance that’s flexible, supportive, and fair.

There’s more than one path to success
K12 Learning Solutions online credit recovery courses are designed to keep life from getting in the way of success. By giving students flexible paths, immersive support, and extra motivation, they can earn credits – even without repeating the entire course. 
Boy sitting on desk, learning from laptop and books
Turn struggles into strengths

Getting students back on track for graduation can redefine their future. It can foster the resilience, perseverance, and self-management skills to make sure that future looks bright.

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K12 Rapid Credit Recovery
Map a faster track back to academic success with K12 Rapid Credit Recovery courses. They’re designed to adapt and meet high school students where they are, while helping them gain the credits they need to graduate.
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Credit by Exam
Designed for high school students who achieve a passing average on diagnostic exams, this option lets them test out of courses where they have demonstrated mastery of skills and concepts.
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Middle School Skills Recovery
Help middle schoolers close learning gaps and prepare for success in high school with supplemental diagnostic skills recovery in math, ELA, science, and social studies.
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Credits today. Confidence for tomorrow

Helping students catch up on learning is just the start. Credit Recovery gives them the rich, interactive content, real-world applications, and support they need to create a stronger foundation for their future.

Adapt to individual learning needs
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Let students test out of mastered material and focus on filling in knowledge gaps with a flexibly designed, diagnostic-driven, adaptive-release model.
Make work easier for your teachers

Easy-to-understand diagnostics automatically place students where they need to be to master content, and computer-graded assessments and activities help ease teacher workload.

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Give them skills and confidence for life

Help students develop a growth mindset along with more resilience, perseverance, and time management for tomorrow — with the essential credits they need today.

two high school students smiling with books and backpacks
Level the playing field

Help students gain the confidence they need in a personalized, self-paced learning environment and level the playing field, giving them a path after high school.

A student in front of a laptop writing in a notebook
Flexible courses to fast track their future

Personalize each student’s credit recovery experience with flexible course structures — and 24/7 phone, chat, and video support from our certified teachers.

Flexible by design
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Meeting students where they are helps them recover credits while letting them focus on filling in knowledge gaps.
Online or blended courses and schedules

Fully online or blended. You can offer our credit recovery courses during school hours, summer school, or at home.

A girl sitting at a laptop
Personalized learning

Diagnostic-driven, adaptive release model provides personalized learning.

A student with a graduation cap in between two other students
Dr. Ludy Lopez
Principal, Miami-Dade Online Academy
The program reaches the struggling students and is challenging and rigorous for the accelerated learners. We chose K12 because they are the best.
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Your gateway to modern learning

From core courses to complementary electives, K12 Learning Solutions offers an online curriculum aligned with state and national standards—expanding the possibilities of education.

Download our SY23-24 Rapid Recovery course list.

Recommended Resources
3 Keys to Successful Virtual Learning for K-5
An opportunity exists for us to re-imagine learning entirely — especially for our K–5 learners and educators.
All-Encompassing Solution. No Limitations.
Learners and educators need innovative online resources that allow them to overcome their challenges and reach their goals.
Be Bold Be Blended: Future-Proof through Hybrid and Blended Learning
Schools emerging from recent challenges and upheaval are leaning into a bold vision of future-proofing education
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Cartoon hands holding mobile phone
Our platform.

Their future.
Discover how more flexibility, 24/7 support, and complete Credit Recovery solution can set your students up for success.